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Official timeline.
(order of things happened and to happen)
Twitter launched 23rd August 2022.
Announced that "This is an NFT project + scientific study".
Selecting OGs.
Publish website.
First report.
Selecting WLs.
An AI-generated art opinion blog article.
Discord opening for OG-EGs and WL-EGs, 9th October.
First official AMA hosted by @chainlobby .
Surveys started, 16th October.
Sound Lab.
Music Quizes.
Cypher Brainiacs.

Unofficial sideline.
(things you know will happen
but don't know in what order)
Silent phase.
Extremely rares.
Guess the... "game."
Our first own AMA.
Reveal Dysmorphia NFTs art.
Public discord opening.
Discord access closed.
Lab Life.
Mint info is out.
Discord opening again on Mon 28th November.
We are around here...
First Dysmorphia Collection NFT drop.
House of Korpo minting.
Lab Life open again.
Second Dysmorphia Collection NFT drop.
Third Dysmorphia Collection NFT drop.
Fourth Dysmorphia Collection NFT drop.
Publicaton of study as NFT.
Go out.
Project finish August/September 2023.

Royalties announcement.

Production of.
Go out with a BANG.
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